In life you don't rely on the approval of men or expect more trust from people. But if you can believe in yourself, I think you do yourself a lot because that's the best thing you must never forget to do.
Nobody in this world would trust you if you have no trust in yourself. So the fact that you believe in yourself, the same spot people would identify you with. Because believing in one's self compelled the world into listening to what you have to say.
I grew up chasing unrealistic dreams, believing what is not. Until I realized that my fake life has chased good people away who could have trusted me for better or worse.
I decided to correct my past errors not because I needed people's approval of me, or change their mind into trusting me but that I may stay true and still believe in myself.
My faith is I can still build that relationship and trust that people lost from me by staying true and by believing in myself.
So I thought that if I tried again, every broken wall of trust and respect people lost from me would be restored and it was so.
People would not risk their lives to follow you, when they know that you don't have the idea of where you're taking them to.
No matter how long you keep hiding in the dark, light will one day expose you. And no matter how strong people might have trusted you, they'll easily lose their trust in you as soon as they find out that you were living a fake life.
Therefore, start building yourself by staying true to yourself and by believing in yourself. That was the key I found that unleash my purpose and has been helping me in fulfilling my life.
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