Nobody was born with greatness. Great men worked hard to achieve what they desire.
NICK VUJICIC, is our key study in this content today and the perfect examples we should look at and imitate.
Now who is Nick? Nick is an American evangelist, best selling author and worldbest motivational speaker that ever exit.
Nick is a fulfilled man today who was born without any limbs, it was all said he's a disabled image of God. At first his parents assumed that there was no hope and no future for him.
Nick was called names. The doctors judgmentally concluded that he's not going to fit into anything in life that he's a disabled creation. Nick was put down, despised and mocked by his schoolmates.
He found it so hard because they put him down. No one likes him, no one wants to be near him or even talk to him.
Suddenly, he started believing that he was not good enough. He started believing that he was a failure. That he would never ever be somebody who people would like or accept.
But at a time Nick stops believing everybody else's judgment on him. He looked up to Jesus and received so much encouragement from his parents and was loved by them.
Today, the same Nick that was said couldn't fit into anything in life is the world's best motivational speaker.
Don't allow anyone to make you believe your low background has automatically made you an unsuccessful man. Nick becomes great not because he was born great. He believed he too can be great.
Your dreams are valid, you too can be great. You just need to know what makes the best to be the best and be willing to do it. You are encouraged right?
Resolve around the fact that you too can be great. Believe in yourself, build yourself by learning from others and never give up because “YOU TOO CAN BE GREAT”
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